Sunday, 19 August 2012

Trains, Planes, Automobiles, and Buses

St Editha's Church in Tamworth

I hadn’t realized that our trip to the UK coincided with the Olympics until a few weeks before we left.  I tried to get tickets to a gymnastics event (what else?) and re-arrange my travels to make it but it wasn’t to be.  At least I was in London while the Olympics were on, even if I was only passing through.

Milly in the Castle Grounds, I loved this growing up!

I decided to take Amelia with me to farewell our rellies before we go home and given my track record of panic attacks while driving in unfamiliar territory and in particular on exceptionally speedy motorways, I opted for the train!  We left home at 7am, Maciek drove us to the train station where we hopped on the train for the two hour journey to Munich.  Amelia had been so excited leading up to the trip and travelling on the trains so I was surprised when she complained she was bored, literally after 5 minutes!  Little did she know the hours of boredom ahead of her!  This time I made sure we got off at the correct station, and we boarded our plane with no problem (apart from Amelia being beeped at through security, poor thing, wonder if it was that 5 cent coin she swallowed last year?!)  Waiting for the plane to take off I noticed passengers leaving another Easyjet next to ours, and the last ones to alight were a huge family of Jewish people, dressed to the nine’s in their traditional black outfits with the top hats and the curly bits of hair hanging past their ears, all the little girls dressed identically.  They had loads of cabin luggage, proper little black suitcases round and rectangular, and they were rushing back and forth from the stairs to the shuttle bus to get every family member and every piece of luggage aboard!  It was like a scene from a movie!  I wonder where they were heading dressed up like that, and how comfortable would they have been on the flight?

Milly was entertained thanks to a Leapster leant by my friend Sam, but when we landed at Stansted there were huge queues at passport control, which had me worried because I hadn’t left much time to get the connecting train.  After 20 minutes of trying to explain to Milly what a passport was and why everyone needed one even babies, we made it to our train just in time.  Off in London, on the tube, off again, and back on to a long distance train, with one hiccup about our pre-paid tickets, we finally made it into Birmingham.  Last leg to Nanny P’s was a bus, we had an hour to wait, but met a nice couple at the bus stop and it was so lovely to be able to have a conversation with someone!  I loved being able to just walk up to porters on the platforms and ask for directions or help and not have any language barrier!  We arrived at Nanny P’s at 6pm, so a long day of travelling, lugging that suitcase from platform to platform and up and down carriages, all the while making sure Amelia was still with me and she hadn’t dropped her teddy!  But there was a lovely dinner waiting for us, a nice cup of English tea and lots of goodies!

Tea anyone?

Nanny P can’t walk far so we spent the next day tottering around the corner to the shops, and over the road to the pub for a carvery dinner, and had a visit from cousin Warren, Caron and Emily.  And I bought some Special Edition Mr Kiplings!  Yum!  Next morning we were off again to Tamworth, and Nanny saw us off in a taxi to the train station (hooray no bus!).  I felt very sad saying goodbye, knowing it might be a long time till I see her again, and Amelia must have known because she kept silent (very bizarre!!) all the way which was half an hour and let me have a little cry to myself!

Brooke and Caitlin getting fit!

Squirrels by the River Anker

This train was only a 15 minute journey and we were met at the other end by Uncle Stephen and Aunty Karen (or Uncle Septic and Aunty Seaweed as some of our closer family members know them, but we won’t go into that!!)  Amelia got her long awaited LaLaLoopsy doll as an early birthday present from Toys R Us (Wow! An actual TOY SHOP!), thanks to Steve and Karen, and we met up with cousins in the castle grounds and spent some time at the park until it started to rain (unusual for Britain at this time of year?) and visited Nanny and Grandad (Grandad Sharp, named by Amelia when she was nearly 2 due to his stubble, and so then Nanny became Nanny Smooth!) the same Nanny and Grandad who I called Nanny and Grandad Scamp when I was little (after their little dog!)  I bet they’ve forgotten what their real names are!  The next day we headed into town for a wander around the ‘old part’ and the castle.  It was a beautiful day, until it started raining (very strange?), and then it was off to the train station again, for the long trip down to the ‘seaside’ in Torquay.

Daisy and Milly

This time we had a long stretch before we had to change and Amelia was happy with her Leapster and colouring in and I actually got to READ A BOOK!  The journey from Exeter into Paignton was beautiful; the sea and the cliffs and seaside villages, the sun shining.  My cousin met us at the station but unfortunately her little girl Daisy had been ill, and was sitting in the car with a bucket under her chin, poor thing!  She was ill all night and most of the next day but woke on Monday bright and eager to play!  And that’s what Milly and Daisy did for the next 3 days from morning till night!  It was great for Amelia to be able to interact properly and they got along so well, apart from the few little squabbles, and reminded me and Lyndsey so much of ourselves when we were younger.  One tall and blonde and the other short and dark!  We organized a picnic in the park on the seafront as it was a warm sunny day but as soon as we arrived the sky turned grey and the rain began to fall (weird?) so we carried our massive picnic basket back to the car and visited Kents Cavern (caves) instead.  The tour guide was funny and I was in my element with stories of the stone age and fossils and bones!  I took the opportunity to enjoy a Devonshire Tea in the café, although I was told I was doing it the Cornish way, with the cream and jam the wrong way round!  Tuesday was pouring of rain (can’t get my head around that?) so a good day for shopping.  Didn’t know what to do with myself it’s been so long!  And Wednesday we finally got our picnic on the beach and even made it to the cinema to see The Lorax (recommend!)

Watching cartoons

Loved being surrounded by my own language again and being able to chat to random people here and there.  There was a point in the cinema where I was in the queue and trying to work out in my head how to ask for the price of a medium popcorn, and then I realized I didn’t have to, it was English!  Amelia had a brilliant time playing normally and being herself.  I had brilliant 8 or 9 hour sleeps in Aunty Val’s bed without Noah around to wake us up in the middle of a good dream!  And I even got to watch all the gymnastics events with English commentary thanks to Aunty Val and Uncle Len and their TiVo!

Thanks everyone for putting us up and putting up with us!  I hope it's not too long till we see you again.  And a special thanks to Uncle Len for pretending to be the Scooby Doo Monster chasing the girls up the stairs and causing ear piercing screams, from which I am still suffering partial deafness!

Another long journey back to Austria but we’d both missed Maciek and Noah and couldn’t wait for cuddles, and the other big surprise!  Babcia and Dziadek had arrived!
One for you Daryl, I think your Anchor looks a bit less dodgy!

Work's Out!!

Milly in the school garden
The week in the forest signaled the end of my time as kindergarten assistant and native speaker.  I did much more miming and grunting than native speaking, especially in the beginning anyway!  I got to know the kids in my own way and them me I suppose, as much as you can get to know someone without being able to communicate very well.  It had it’s ups and downs and many cases of the “what the’s??” but it was a fantastic experience with lots of laughs as well as frustrations, and giggles in the corridors with English Emma sharing our “what the??” stories!  Positive memories are of working with those kids who were super enthusiastic about learning English words; being able to share delicious organic freshly cooked meals everyday with the kids and marveling at how well they eat (not sure if it’s to do with the fact that they eat their main meal in the middle of the day compared to our kids getting used to eating vegemite sandwiches and fruit sticks for lunch, but 3 year olds eating plates of salad and vegetables and pretty much anything that was put in front of them, and it was all healthy stuff apart from the odd lasagna or pizza, was common);  making nature craft out of things found in the woods or the park; having Amelia and Noah there and being able to see them in the garden at playtime; the lovely songs we sang for each season, especially at Christmas and in winter, with the teacher playing guitar in the morning circle (even though I couldn’t understand them!); and the view from the classroom!  It didn’t feel like work to me.  It was stressful and difficult with the language sometimes and it was tiring doing so many hours but it just felt like something I did every day to fill in the morning.  And I still can’t believe I turned up in a foreign country, not being able to speak the language, and landed a job as nice as that, instead of having to do cleaning or something similar which is what I was expecting.  So for that I’m very grateful.

Maciek hard at work

Maciek finished two days after me.  His experience was different to mine, and a lot tougher.  Whereas I was surrounded by the same people every day enabling me to build on my language skills, with people who knew I couldn’t speak German and made allowances, Maciek worked in different places; hotels, hospitals, shops, peoples’ houses.  And being a tiler often worked alone or with one other, and encountered different people every day.  It was especially hard working in public places like the hospital with people walking by him all day stopping to ask questions or comment on his work.  The work was heavy and tough and the hours were long (and the pay was crap!)  But he gained a lot of respect for his colleagues for their highly skilled workmanship, and he has learnt lots from them which has given him a fresh outlook on his profession to take home with him.   As a thankyou and goodbye his boss arranged an outing for the team to the Hornpark, a high ropes climbing course through the trees, with dinner and drinks afterwards.  A really nice thing to do.  One of Macieks work mates told him “the boss must have really liked you as he’s never done that for anyone ever before!”  Quite a compliment then!  He started working 3 weeks after we arrived here, which is also unbelievable and something we are grateful for.  Without these jobs we would never have been able to stay here for as long as we have.

Ready for a climb (Maciek 4th from left)

Finishing work was a milestone on our countdown to returning home.  We knew once we’d finished work the following few weeks would fly by!  Still nearly a month behind on my posts but I’m slowly catching up now we’re on holidays.  I’m determined to be up to date by the time we head to Poland next week…..

Saturday, 18 August 2012

Kindergarten Wald Woche

Bench full of car seats left to their own devices!
I didn’t have too much time to dwell on Noah’s last day at the krippe though as it was Wald Woche (Forest Week) for the Kindergarten group which included me, and true to Austrian form (as I’ve come to know it) everything was sorted at the last minute or left on a ‘play it by ear’ basis and we had 20 kids to fahrt to the forest at 8 o’clock in the morning every day for a whole week!  Parents chipped in with lifts and there was a lot of kinder seat swapping going on and shoving kids in wherever there was a spare seatbelt even if it was too big for them and it covered their faces!  (This type of thing would NEVER happen in the UK or Oz and English Emma and me were once again shaking our heads and laughing at the madness of it all!)  It’s very common here to see children sitting in the front seats, and even babies in their capsules, which apparently is ok as long as the air bag function is switched off.  Not something we’re used to seeing so a bit confronting.  Anyway by some miracle or another all children and teachers made it to the meeting spot in the forest, and after leaving a big pile of kids seats on a random bench in preparation for the fahrt back (really?  Is it ok to leave them there?  Kids car seats are expensive you know!), we proceeded into the forest for a picnic by a stream.  There didn’t seem to be any system or order and some kids sat and ate their picnic and others wandered off into the water with their clothes and shoes on and when I tried to find out what should be happening nobody seemed to know anything and if they did they didn’t tell me.  Something I’ve gotten used to but I soon became busy as I quickly found out that my job was the ‘Toilet in the Wild’ assistant for all three year olds needing numbers ones and twos, a first for me but nothing like being thrown in at the deep end! 

Flying Fox area
Milly testing her balance
We carried on trekking after the snack to the Flying Fox.  Some kids were playing on it, some were venturing around looking for blueberries, some were running around like cave men threatening each other with sticks (not talking twigs here, more like mini branches and some were a bit too pointy for my liking!) and then one of the teachers decided to count the children.  We’d only been there for an hour, seemed like a good time to do an initial head count!  I counted 23, someone else counted 24 and someone else counted 25.  Bit hard when they’re all running around like God knows what.  So how many are we meant to have?  No-one knew.  So we could have lost a couple of kids and no-one would have been wise to it.  Imagine the scenario when we returned to kindergarten for lunch.  Where’s Jonny?  Don’t know, did he even turn up this morning?  Did anyone fahrt Jonny to the forest? (Only it wouldn’t have been Jonny, it would have been Johannes, or Reinholdt).  After that one of the teachers actually wandered up to the area where the bunch of boys were playing Hunger Games, and discovered that there was a steep drop down into the river.  Don’t play there anymore then, even though you’ve been playing there for half hour anyway!  Perhaps the immediate environment should have been checked a bit earlier.  Mental note for next time.  Oh wait a minute, we don’t do mental notes! 
Building pebble towers with friend and Emma

(Sorry if it sounds a bit critical, it’s just that the difference between how things are dealt with here in contrast to home with regards to working with children is so vast that I’ve struggled to feel comfortable with a lot of things!  For example, the tree in the school garden that stands right next to a wooden fence, the kind of fence that has spikey wooden bits sticking up and no-one but me thinks it’s dangerous for the kids to climb it.  Taking the group out for an excursion to the playground or similar, walking through town and crossing big roads busy with trucks, without the parents knowing, never mind getting permission slips signed.  Taking the group to a parents house for a pool party, on the bus, again crossing busy roads. This was organized but half the kids couldn’t swim.  The ski instructor sharing one cup of orange punch between her whole group of coughing and sneezing kids.  The public footpath running right through a school’s playground.  No forms to fill out allowing an appointed person to collect a child from care.  A little girls aunty collected her one day, I had no clue who she was, never seen her before, neither had the other teachers, and the little girl looked a little confused, but no-one thought it was a big deal except me.  Not the end of the world, but wouldn’t be allowed at home from a teachers/child carers point of view.  Guess it’s just what you get used to.  But a lot of the time I found myself stressing about safety and cringing at things!  On the flip side life is much more simple.  A lot less paperwork.  A lot less thinking about do’s and don’t’s, you just do, and deal with the consequences if there are any (and then pass the buck! ;-))
Picking blueberries

That’s all beside the point.  The kids had a brilliant week running amok in the woods.  It was tiring but interesting and nice to be out of the classroom.  And at least I learned a thing or two about surviving in the wild, like carving a little man out of a piece of wood with my pocket knife; discovering there are thousands of blueberries in the woods so I’d never go hungry; and wiping children’s bottoms and working out how to cover up the evidence.  One time I covered it up with some massive leaves, surrounded it with big stones and laid two sticks across the top as a warning  ‘do not step here!!’  It looked more like a burial.  Which in a way I suppose it was.  Bear Grylls would have been proud.

Noah’s 3rd Birthday

Banana Cake number 1
Banana Cake number 2

All my presents
So far Noah has celebrated one birthday in Australia, one in France, and now one in Austria!  Wonder where his next one will be?!  It fell on Friday 13th July, but nothing bad happened!  It was very low key.  Not much in the way of toy shops here but we managed (or rather ‘the Birthday Bear’ managed) to get him a replica toy tractor the same as all the farmers use here, a toy rescue helicopter (doubles as a souvineer as it’s a proper Austrian one exactly like the ones we see flying around the mountains) and a puzzle.  I didn’t have time to make him a fancy cake and there’s nowhere to buy one so he ended up with a banana cake, tried to make it a little bit fancy by fashioning a number 3 on the top out of blueberries but it all went a bit squishy in the oven!  Nevermind, he still got to blow out his candles and it tasted nice!  During the day in the Kinderkrippe they had a little party for him and Amelia was allowed to join his group to celebrate his birthday.  I took in a cake (guess what?  Another banana cake – without the blueberries!) and some treats for the kids to eat.  And the teacher made him a crown which he wore for the rest of the day.  In the afternoon we invited a few friends over for cake and coffee, so he could have a play with some other little kiddlies on his birthday.
We can’t believe he is 3 already and he’s grown up so much in a year.  He is talking so much now although his pronunciation is a bit off and I do a fair bit of translating for people!  Two of the funniest words he says at the moment are “Parrot Shoot” (Parachute – we see them all the time with the paragliding) and “Fwy Fwop” (fly swat – there are so many bugs here and no flyscreens, so we have three fly swats in the house and Noah is becoming quite an expert!).  He also says “Glubs” (Gloves – which is funny as this is exactly what Amelia used to say!)  He is out of nappies most of the time, most credit goes to his teachers, but he refuses to call his new Toy Story underwear ‘pants or jocks’ but prefers to call them ‘Knickies’ like his sister!  He’s also been learning to ride a proper bike with peddles and thanks to the little run along one he had for his 2nd birthday he’s pretty good, just needs a bit more practice at starting and stopping, and avoiding parked cars and open garages!
Not long after his birthday came the wind down to the end of the school year, and my time as the kindergarten assistant.  Noah’s teachers, Anna and Ann-Katrin, in the krippe have been wonderful with him.  It really has been like a second home for him and he loves his little friends.  There are only about 6 of them on any given day and they are all very close.  Noah has had no trouble settling in with the language, due to his age I suppose and speaks German while he is there and understands everything said to him.  It’s funny because when I am in the garden with my group and Noah’s group are also outside he speaks to me in German which is a bit strange!  I suppose it’s what he associates with that environment.  During the last week Anna gave me a photo album she had made full of photos of Noah and his friends since he started in September.  She had hand decorated all the pages and also hand written notes and quotes to go with each photograph.  It was lovely, such a nice keepsake of our time here, and I said goodbye on the last day with a big lump in my throat and a few tears.
Counting at Kinderkrippe


Dressing up

Saturday, 28 July 2012

Lisa and Paul for one night only!

Noah, Milly and Emma
Two weeks after Stinky left (as in Peta, not the cow poo, that remains as strong as ever!) our Scottish friends Lisa and Paul with wee Emma came to stay for a night during their holiday in Garmish, not too far from here, in Germany.  We met Lisa and Paul a year ago when we were travelling through Austria staying in campsites, and dropped in on them again for dinner when we were in Scotland, so it was so nice to see them again here in Austria where our friendship began (with me latching on to the first English speaking person I came across in the supermarket on our first day at the campsite!)
Their arrival coincided with Sommer Fest, the end of year celebration/school fete at work for which I had been roped into doing face painting with English Emma!  (The English Station, we called it!)  We set up a table and prepared all the stuff and Emma gave me a quick course on how to face paint!  I was crapping myself as I have never in my life painted so much as a heart on a child’s cheek never mind these fancy butterfly masterpieces or a spiderman (HELP!)  Emma showed me pictures of the options the children had to choose from which included pages of the aforementioned works of art.  But also hidden away at the back of her folder were a page for boys and a page for girls of really simple drawings that could be easily done on a cheek or a wrist like a flower or some paw prints!  I successfully convinced Emma to pack all that fancy stuff back into her case and we rolled with the simple stuff!  Soon enough there was a massive queue and my first customer wanted words,  ‘Best’ on her arm and ‘Friends’ on her friends arm decorated with paw prints (Thankyou God!).  Success number one.  Next customer wanted a butterfly.  I showed her the simple picture and asked her where she wanted it.  On the head.  I knew in the pit of my stomach that she wanted a magical looking creature all over her face complete with glitter and a mixture of beautiful colours and swirly bits.  But I proceeded with the simple drawing smack in the middle of her forehead.  It looked just like the picture.  And it was afterall a butterfly on her head, just as she asked.  But she wasn’t happy.  And the queue for Emma’s side of the table quickly grew much longer than the queue at mine, and I suddenly realized I was stuck with all the boys wanting a football or a smiley face on their wrist just so they could collect the token that passed them onto the next station!  I did do a Hello Kitty that I was quite proud of, and a monkey, and became pretty good at winding snakes around eyebrows and I even did a matching pair of snakes, one on each cheek!  My concentration was interrupted briefly by a tap on the shoulder and a deep voice asking for a tiger face!  It was only Paul!  Phew!  Maciek had met them at our place and brought them along to the fete.  I got into the swing of it after a while though and really enjoyed it, and by the time I actually lifted my head and checked my watch 2 ½ hours had gone by!!  I had to leave to have dinner with our visiting friends and left Emma painting away for another couple of hours I believe.  Perhaps a new business idea for me.  I could call it ‘Keep it Simple Face Painting’, ‘Get Your Face Painted – No Frills’, or ‘Just Snakes-No Butterflies Face Art’, or 'Not so Ace Faces'.  Thoughts?
Dinner at the Grander Schupf
So, on to dinner at the Grander Schupf.  A place we’ve come to enjoy due the traditional atmosphere, good food at reasonable prices and a playground for the kids which makes for a very peaceful dinner!  I had my usual and recommended it to Paul who was equally impressed, and we introduced Lisa to the ‘Hugo’, a mixture of sparkling wine, elderflower syrup, mint and lime, and perhaps a few other things I can’t remember.  It’s my new favourite drink.  And after a few turns on that famous slide that goes to the loos, we retired home for an early night.

Saturday was the day of Maciek’s first mountain bike race.  We had an easy morning lounging about with breakfast and coffees and then left Maciek to prepare while the rest of us set off for Schwarzee, the black lake, for a walk and lunch.  Great weather for a bit of a hike, overcast and cool, bit of drizzle here and there.  The kids had a brilliant time running ahead and spotting frogs on lily pads, fishes at the edge of the lake and even an abandoned cocoon left behind by a brand new butterfly! A wander through the woods brought us to masses of blueberry bushes and so it was slow going while the kids got stuck in!  A relaxing lunch at the half way hotel while the kids played on the playground left us full up and ready for an afternoon nap!  But unfortunately Paul, Lisa and Emma had to drive on back to Garmish to prepare for their flight home the next day.

Meanwhile……Maciek was the only rider without all the fancy gear but full of enthusiasm all the same!  Luckily his friend Gordon joined him so he didn’t have to do it alone (which was a relief for me as I was really nervous for him – awww!)  The race was about 11km long, most of it climbing to a height of 1150m at the top, so pretty tough, especially for a newbie!  But he managed it and also managed to beat his best time and made it to the top in 54min 43secs, and was rewarded with a few beers at the top with all the riders.  The ‘professionals’ raced afterwards and the winning time was 28 minutes!  On a not so happy note someone fell and broke their arm on the way up (see dramatic picture of rescue helicopter!) and also not good but a little bit funny because he was possibly a little bit drunk, someone else broke their leg on the way down!!  A big big thank you once again to those who helped us raise money for the race by way of sponsorship/donations to put towards the ‘Ride to Conquer Cancer’ fundraising event taking place in Perth in October, which a friends of ours is participating in and raising money for.  So well done Maciek and well done you!

Dramatic rescue!

Amelia, Noah and Emma had great fun playing together and actually it was a nice break for all of us as they kept each other amused which gave us a chance to chat!

A packed weekend full of art (albeit simple!), eating and sliding, catching up, hiking and nature spotting, and racing and drinking beer!!!

Race over, beer at the top!

Goodbye and Goodluck Lisa and Paul and Emma…..hope it’s not too long till we see you again!

Sunday, 22 July 2012

Stinky Pete and the Cow Dung

Strolling through Kitzbuhel
Horse and Cart

A few days after we fare-the-welled our dear old dragon, came the arrival of my BFF Stinky Pete!  So named after the character in Toy Story 2 and because I had to get my own back after she renamed me Smelly Melly.  (It’s not because I smell, says I, it’s only because it rhymes with my name.  Sure, says everyone else.  Wink wink.)
So there were three days after mum left to prepare for Pete’s arrival and there was much scrubbing and dusting and washing and changing sheets and panicking and then it was the day of my epic train journey to the airport.  I had decided not to attempt the four hour round trip to the airport and back on the crazy autobahns alone.   And so it was that I drove half an hour to the train station in Kufstein to find no parking.  I did manage to navigate my way through the town (not good at that on my own) and find an underground car park but wasn’t sure what time it closed but there was nothing I could do about that as my train was due and it was a good 10 minute walk to the station.  I arrived and made it onto the platform with 5 mintues to spare.  A good opportunity to call Maciek and tell him I’d made it.  But hang on a minute, where’s my phone?  Brilliant, I’d left it in the car!  So Maciek would just have to worry for 2 ½ hours until I met Pete at the airport and call him from her phone.  So, on the train.   Cabin to myself, window seat, snacks in handbag, journal and pen, ahhhh relax!  No children, no noise, just me and fantastic scenery.  After almost an hour there was a train change at Munich Ost.  Managed that, no problem.  On the home stretch to the airport.  After a short time I was sure I read on the sign that the next stop was Flughafen (airport).  So I stood up to get off and didn’t even notice that all the other passengers with suitcases continued to sit and read their books, and admittedly I was a bit confused when the platform sign floated past the window displaying something completely different to Flughafen.  But, I got off anyway.  And kicked myself two seconds later as it was in fact the wrong station.  I was later to find out that the sign on the train flashed between final destination and next stop.  Obviously the bit I’d noticed was final destination Flughafen.  Apart from feeling like a complete and utter idiot I wasn’t worried as I had half hour to spare, and waited for the next one.  Finally, finally, I arrived at the airport with five minutes to spare, bought Peta’s train ticket for the journey home, and then found out that her plane was delayed.  A coffee and blueberry muffin for me then.

Peta finally walked through the arrival gates looking ever glamorous even after a day of travelling and it was all so surreal and one of those moments when you have so much to talk about but don’t know where to start that you say nothing!   A Chinese meal while we waited for the train home quickly fixed it.  Never had anything so spicy in my life!  We forgot to check the ‘chilli meter’ on the menu!  She landed at 8.15pm and the train home was due at 9pm.  There were two changes on the way home and we arrived back in Kufstein to darkness and pouring rain, just after 11pm.  Making it back to the car park in between showers (as neither of us had umbrella’s or jackets) to discover that it was open (phew!  So no surprise overnight stay at a dodgy hotel in Kufstein then!) and I had 5 missed calls and 4 messages from Maciek (I did send a message to Maciek from Pete’s phone when I met her but discovered later that I’d actually sent it to my own phone by mistake!) I then had to find my way to the main road home (while the Sat Nav was ‘acquiring satellites’) and negotiate the dark narrow mountain roads in the pouring rain hoping I was going the right way!  Little bit on the panic attack side of things but we made it home safe and sound close to midnight.  What started out as ‘I’ll just catch the train, it’s only two hours and will be much more relaxing’ turned into a 7 ½ hour door to door journey with a few mishaps along the way!  And as my mum would say ‘WHAT A PALAVA!!’
Latte and cake in Kitzbuhel
Disturbing the Holy Silence!

Anyway.  It all turned out well in the end.  And what’s life if it isn’t an epic train journey of an adventure?!  I was able to take the Friday off work (despite a bit of umming and arring from the boss!) and after dropping Amelia and Noah at kindy me and Pete took off to Kitzbuhel.  Another delicious coffee and strawberry tart for me, with peace and quiet this time.  Beautiful weather, and  a wander around town and through the church grounds including the church where Peta disturbed the Holy silence by deleting photo’s on her very noisy camera to make room for more!  After that we drove back to St Johann for a ride on the gondola and lunch at the top where my skill in reading German menu’s shone through as I managed to order us a top notch lunch called Farmerstoast which was a bacon, egg and cheese toasted sandwich.  Lecker Schmecker! (This has become one of my favourite sayings as the kids in the kindergarten say it and it means something like yummy tasty!)  We spent the rest of the afternoon at home eating cheese and horrible olives (definitely NOT lecker schmecker!) and drinking wine on our balcony and had an early night.
Leafy hats on the hike!

Saturday we packed a lunch and took off on a hike.  The kids did so well and despite Amelia’s protests before leaving the house she got right into it and collected flowers along the way, and it only took us 1 ½ hours to reach our picnic spot.  We ran into some mucky spots though, squelching through mud and the stench of cow poo, something which we are quite used to now but poor Pete had trouble breathing and was forced to cover half her face with her fleece to avoid passing out!  After our picnic (away from bad smells) we wandered down to the Alm owned by a family who makes their own schnapps (we’d bought a litre before!) for a refreshing drink.  We ordered three Radlers (shandys) thinking we’d get a glass each but out came three gigantic 500ml bottles so then it was a trip to the loo.  ‘It’s round the corner’ said the nice lady, so off we went looking for a back door but the lady encouraged us up some stairs which looked like they led to some kind of little shed in the bushes.  And there it was.  An outdoor dunny the likes I’ve never seen let alone sat upon!  It overhung a pit.  The pit needs no further description.  One can use one’s own imagination!  The toilet seat was a plank of wood with a hole in it, and a splashback, and everything going down in full view of the user and anyone else happening by!  So, moving on……

The Alm......
....and the dunny!

In the afternoon I took Peta into the village of Sankt Johann for a ‘hot chocolate more like a liquid chocolate cake’ in 33 different flavours.  Strawberry and lychee (my favourite), orange and cinnamon, coffee, hazelnut etc.  And we wandered around, in and out of some of the fancy shops that I always gaze longingly into but can never actually go in with the two little grubs!  That night we went to the Stanglwirt for dinner.  A very posh place, never been before.  Couldn’t find parking at first and found ourselves in the hotel reception carpark with no spaces available because it was full of Porsches, Ferraris, BMW, Audi’s, Mercedes and the like, all run of the mill everyday Joe Bloggs type stuff.  So I parked outside the stables.  Plenty of room there for my little Peugeot!  The restaurant was lovely inside, typical Austrian style, dimly lit with candles.  There’s a big window inside which looks directly into the cow shed, so you can have a lovely view of the cows chewing and plopping all over the place and staring at you while you’re eating one of their friends, which I can imagine would be completely appetizing, but unfortunately this is only available in winter, as in summer they are out in the fields and pastures.  Pooh.  We missed out.  Would have been right up Peta’s alley, as a non-meat eater and all! Apparently it’s quite famous for its cow shed windows.  Can’t see the appeal myself.  Bit weird I think!  Another thing equally weird and probably not so famous is the ‘grilled chicken with curried banana and rice’ dish, the one Peta opted for.  Strangely it was very tasty, the banana more like some kind of potato!  I opted for the much more traditional roast pork, sauerkraut and bread dumpling, needless to say after which I was completely bloated!  The menu was pricier than expected so we skipped entrée and dessert and only indulged in a splash of wine (but actually ‘ I couldn’t possibly fit another thing in!’).  And instead enjoyed a much cheaper coffee in the village overlooking the square.

Pete was off back to Perth the next day. (No not another epic train journey, this time Maciek drove to the airport!)  A very quick fly in visit.  And no, she didn’t come all the way to Austria from Perth to see us for 3 days!  She was in London, and did a bit of a detour!  But very glad she was able to do that, even though looking back now it feels like a blink!  Thanks to Maciek doing a lot of babysitting we actually managed to spend lots of time alone to catch up on a year of gossip and silly quotes (“it doesn’t even smell like cheese”) and life ponderings (wooly ‘ats are brilliant aren’t they?)! Glad you were able to share a little bit of our journey with us, and we hope you enjoyed it too Peta, despite being suffocated by cow poo!  Until next time Stinky…….loves ya, and “say hi to your mum for me!!!”

P.S I nicked a couple of your pics Pete (I'm a bit whoo, i'm a bit whoaa, i'm a bit of a geezer in it?!)didn't have many myself??  Must've used your camera the whole time! 

Sunday, 15 July 2012

The Old Dragon in the Magical Wood


Water play

I’m about one month behind on the blog.  Still writing about mum’s visit when she left mid June!  Maciek has taken the kids out to the park (pouring of rain but rain gear and wellies makes it all good!) so that I can have an hour to do a bit of catching up.

An overview of 1st stage!
Entering the Magical Wood
Picnic with a view
We took Mum (aka The Old Dragon, a name given to her by Maciek but don’t worry she likes it, she even signs herself off as The Old Dragon on emails and cards and stuff, and she is in Maciek’s contact list on his phone as Old Dragon too.  More like a term of endearment!), so we took Mum to Ellmi’s Zauberwelt, home of the Magical Wood.  We’ve written about this place before as we visited last September/October.  You get a train up but Maciek decided to ride his bike to get in some practice for the upcoming race, and what a shame when he actually arrived at the top sweating like crazy and huffing and puffing, as in my distraction with the kids all I managed to say was ‘Oh hi’ with no applause or excitement at his achievement!  Bit of a let down for him but that’s what you get for calling my mother an Old Dragon!  Ellmi’s is at the top of a mountain and has loads of play equipment plus water play for kids, the Magical Wood where you can hear the cackling of witches and whispering of wizards as you walk through.  Full of moss and winding paths leading up into the deep dark forest with intermittent sprinkling of water so it has a rainforest feel and it really does feel magical (and a bit creepy!).  We visited the Goblin’s treehouse this time which we didn’t get to before, had a picnic in the sun and made mum put her feet into the ice cold stream (poor mum!). 
Cooling down
Time for a drink

The day was very hot so a drink in the Alm at the end of the day made it all worthwhile!  That was the Saturday before she left.  So Sunday morning we allowed her to relax (for the first time in two weeks!) and pack and then we drove to Munich. Mum and Maciek enjoyed a Stein in the Hofbrauhaus and we walked through Marienplatz (the Glockenspiel was still out of action!) There was a huge festival on that day, not sure what it was all about but the city centre was full of beer stalls and demonstrations of traditional Bavarian handicrafts and such.  And there was even an Irish tent selling Guinness and a band on stage, can’t remember their name, but kilt-wearing Germans belting out Irish rock using bodhrans and tin whistles makes for good entertainment!  Then I tricked mum into scoffing down a big Bratwurst in a bun.  She thought we were all having one.  But no.  So then she had to eat it all on her own, how embarrassing!
Ready for descent

It was quite late when we got to the airport and as we needed to get the kids home to bed and ready for school next morning (it’s a two hour drive back) we said goodbye to Mum at the departure gates.  It was all a bit of a rush and in all the excitement we didn’t have time to be sad.  It only hit us a couple of days after when the empty spot on the couch and the free socket which gave life to her laptop 24/7 began to make their presence known!  Aww.  We miss you mum.  My ironing pile is nearly hitting the ceiling!  Only joking, that’s not why we miss you.  The floors are in need of a good mop!
Prost in Munich

Love ya, ye old dragon ye! X

Hiding from the goblins