Wednesday, 17 July 2013

The Sun Sets on Grubsabout

Since we are not so much ‘about’ these days I think it’s time, reluctantly, and sadly, to put the blog to rest.  As much as I enjoy it, it’s been a struggle to keep it up, hence the five or six posts in one week while I’m on a semester break from uni!!

We are approaching the ‘one year at home’ mark and it’s flown.  And the more it flies the further away our memories of that fabulous time travelling Europe and living in Austria fall.  Keeping this blog is a fantastic reminder of that time and we’ve loved sharing with all of you, some of whom are still hanging on till the bitter end!  And we thank you with all our hearts for being with us on that journey of a lifetime.

We’re moving on with life in Oz now.  We miss the mountains and the great outdoors and travelling to new places, and have booked a very exciting trip to New Zealand next April, for two weeks touring the south island in a camper van!

We’re always trying to scratch our itchy feet…so it wouldn’t be surprising if we return with a sequel sometime in the future.

Grubsabout Again…we live in hope!

With lots of love from The Grubs - Mel, Maciek, Amelia and Noah

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mel, thanks for such a wonderful blog, with all of its lovely memories for you all. It was a great idea and kept us all in touch with where you were and what you were doing. It was an experience of a lifetime. Only wish I could have done the same when I was young. Perhaps you could make a book of it all to keep, and to look at in years to come. Anyway, it's good to know that you are back to normality in Oz, and that your are looking forward to your next adventure in New Zealand. Hope to see you all again in the not too distant future. At least we can keep in touch via Skype. Love to you all, Aunty Val, Uncle Len, Lyndsey, and Daisy. xxxxx
