Wednesday, 21 March 2012

A Weekend in Wien - Photos

Picnic stop at Seewalchen
St Stephens (?) Cathedral

Horse and Carriage ride

Restaurant from 1477

Inside cathedral

Rathaus (?)

First ice-cream of Spring

Falling asleep on shoulders!

The fair cost us a fortune due to Melanie having beans for lunch!! Spot Milly and Noah through the glass....

Real horses for the carousel...??!
Schonbrunn Palace

......And some of the grounds


  1. Hi travelling grubs
    great photo's....I love the first ice cream of spring....that could win a copm i reckon :-)
    how expensive for a fahrt lol......I won't bring Albe it will cost us a fortune hahahaha
    Love Mum & Albe xxxx

  2. Looks like you really had a lovely sunny weekend. The photos
    are good, also looking forward to my first spring ice cream.

    xxx Sue
