Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Suzanne & Rapunzel

Suzanne, Victoria & us

Lenzburg Shloss 
Thursday we visited Suzanne, a friend I used to work with in Dublin.  She lives a half hour drive from Peach and Monika but its lucky my memory held out for her street name as the Sat Nav had us pull up outside an electrical store!  Her street was on the corner of this one, and luckily it was signposted, as we have come to find that not many streets are in this part of the world!  By the way the name of our guide on the Sat Nav is Karen, who is Australian.  Karen has a habit of leading us up the garden path, and it doesn’t help that Maciek gets so confused with his lefts and rights, especially when this is a typical instruction – “keep left on A223, then keep right, take the exit ramp and then keep left, then take the 3rd exit right on roundabout”!
Suzanne made us a lovely lunch with her 3 gorgeous girls (once again Amelia and Noah had a field day with little Victoria’s toys!) and showed us around her surprisingly large and beautiful house set over 4 floors!  (it’s deceptive from outside, tucked away there around the back – I only found it as I knew her garden was being renovated and so I followed a gardener/builder type looking man to her front door!)  After lunch Suzanne proved herself as the new coffee maker of the household (move over Andries!). 
King Maciek & Heir
Mummy's Knight in Shining Armour
Suzanne told us of Lenzberg Castle not far from Peach and Monika’s so on the way home we stopped in for a look.  It dates back to the 11th century and has a museum and at the top of a winding staircase in the tower is a kids museum, full of medieval dress ups including jewellery and hats and a mini castle the kids can play in, plus puzzles, dolls and other toys, and colouring in and games!  We had so much fun trying stuff on and taking photos.  But as we arrived a bit late in the day we had to cut it short.  But what a fun day! Thanks Suzanne!

Rapunzel in her Tower


  1. you shouldn't get lost on 'A223' haha
    love the look of the castle and what a great idea for the kids, would be great for parties (might have to open a replica for parties here hmmm!)
    Hey King Maciek...you need a dragon in your castle LOL
    all looks great fun
    lots of love
    Mum & Albe (Nanna Lol & Poppy) xxxx

  2. Woohoo! We're famous! Thanks for coming to see us!
