Sunday, 19 June 2011


Our humble abode
This is the campsite we stayed in last week in Bruck, just near Zell am See.  After an initial hoo-haa about the caravan (I thought it was too small and smelly), we swapped for a bigger and better one (and more expensive much to maciek’s disappointment!) with a bunk bed for Amelia, space for Noah’s cot and a solid annex built onto the side which made up a dining area and kitchen.  It was very nice, comfortable, lots of storage for all our stuff, and a few meters from the shower block and gym.  We spent the week mostly relaxing and using the campsite facilities as we did so much the week before. 
seconds before mud splat
The day we arrived, which is always the worst day we’ve come to learn, Maciek fell on a ladder in the playground (he was climbing up after Noah) and cut his shin open.  He was in lots of pain and went completely grey and close to fainting!  Needless to say I was in a mad panic!  We thought he may have even broken it but after a rest and ice etc he was okay.  He now has a lovely black scab as a momento!
noah feeding goats
The weather was up and down all week.  But we managed a trip to a wildlife park complete with Bison, Deer and Donkeys!  Amelia must have been the only child dressed in pretty pink matching attire complete with fluffy Barbie fleece!  And after playing silly buggers in front of the Bison she tripped and fell belly first into a muddy puddle!  I think she’s learning her lesson about dressing like a princess in this terrain, and is slowly coming around to trackies and jumpers!  There was an awesome playground – more flying foxes, loads of slides, mini bumber cars and other rides you might find at a fairground but only cost E1.00 per ride!  Unfortunately we didn’t make the most of it due to the weather.  And once we realized the kids feet were soaking we went in search of welly boots!
hiking in bruck

We took a hike, a 3 hour round trip (it was supposed to be 45 minutes each way) but this included dinner at the hut at the end.  On the way back Noah fell face first into a bunch of stinging nettles (and nearly over the edge of a cliff) and his poor face came up red and sore with white welts!  Shortly after that he was crying about his finger, saying ‘spider, spider’ and we noticed it swelled up with a little red mark in the middle – so not sure what that was??  At least we knew it wasn’t a Red Back! 
We managed to get a couple of swims in, the kids had fun in the KinderLand indoor playroom, and we met a lovely couple from Scotland, Paul and Lisa, with wee Emma, who Amelia befriended (they shared an interest in princesses, fairies and all things girly but were just as bossy as each other!) We plan to stop in and visit them on our way to Edinburgh in August!
We visited some more beautiful villages, St Johann, and Lofer, which we could see ourselves living in some time in the future??!
Noah has some new words – Donkey, Bison, Welly Boots, Apple Juice, Twakta (Tractor) and counting to 10!
Noah's wee girlfriend
Milly loves the climbing walls
Undies Undies BATHERS!
Had a great week – Campsites are definitely more enjoyable with the kids.  Starting to settle in.  The food situation is improving.  And I have been asking around about where to buy stuff – so we’re getting there.
I think as soon as we’re used to Austria – we’ll be heading to Switzerland!  Oh woe is me!

Out to dinner with Paul and Lisa

on the playground


  1. Glad to hear that you a getting on top of it all.
    We have heard in the news that its very cold and wet now where you are and where you are going too.
    Hope you have enough winter wollies,as it will be below 12degr.
    Over here we are melting in the heat, was a bad fire in the next village but the plane fire fighters managed to get it under control.
    Hope Maciek is feeling better, did you get the emergancy numbers I sent you as you dont say..
    This morning I woke up with a "Hexenschuss" translated word for word means "Witches Shot" but its medicallly known as Ischius, very painful can´t walk, don´t worry be happy, grin and bear it. Nice to hear you made contact with a Scottisch couple, did you have trouble with their broad accent. The pictures are very good and look forward to seeing more. And I think you should settle down near me in Soest ha! ha! not in bruckieieiieie.. Hear from you soon take care luv, xx Sue and Frank with Curly and Chips

  2. Hey guys. Looks like a blast. Maciek good thanks not sure if they were undies or bathers??? Can't wait to try skype again. Miss u all keep up the good blogging and give everyone big hug n kiss from Aunty don don n steve xoxox

  3. You can see the water, right

  4. Hi Grubs
    Love the caravan (nearly as good as ours) i could live in that easy (if it was in Darwin/or Thailand)haha we had one just like that in darwin but it is nice and warm ALL the time ;-)
    OUCH! poor little Noah do you know how much stinging nettles hurt?,he is so accident prone (must take after his Dad haha) hope your leg ok too Mac x
    It's good you found some 'English' speaking friends and that the kids have a little friend
    happy travels
    Mum & Albe (Nanna Lol & Poppy) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
