Schneeflockes here, schneeflockes there, schneeflockes everywhere! There’s even a guinea pig in Amelia’s classroom called Schneeflocke! He’s white, in case you hadn’t guessed! It started snowing 2 weeks ago and apart from a couple of days here and there it hasn’t stopped. It first started snowing Tuesday lunch time and didn’t stop until Wednesday night (a massive dump, as Maciek says). Needless to say, being the first major snowfall of the season I was a bit (an understatement) nervous about driving. But I put on my brave hat and tried not to think about it, only to have my confidence shattered when I couldn’t even make it up the driveway! Wheels were turning but we were going nowhere except sliding towards the stone wall! So we didn’t make it to school that day. I’ve had some practice since, so even though I’d rather not, I’ve been driving a fair bit, and confidence is slowly growing.It’s been about 2 degrees during the day and minus in the mornings. Wednesday was -13 on the way to school, the coldest yet!
Our house, left, top balcony |
Amelia had ski school this week in the afternoons. She’s not much of a fan, but I think it was more to do with the instructor than the skiing. The hardest thing was keeping Noah entertained for almost 2 hours in the snow at freezing temperatures. But it ended today with a little race (which I didn’t think she’d do, so very pleased!) and then a presentation at a cafĂ© in town with medals for all the kids! She’s very proud of herself!
Maciek started his winter job last week as a Lederhosen wearing non-German speaking waiter /bar tender in a hotel! (photos to come) He starts about 11am and finishes at 7pm so I have to collect him (more practice for my driving – at night time too on unlit streets!) as the conditions are too bad now for riding his bike, and he’ll ruin his Lederhosen. He’s enjoying the late starts (as am I with the extra help getting the kids ready for school) as he gets to snowboard before work. He’s enjoying it but finding it very challenging as not only is it something he’s never done before but he has to learn it in an environment where he can’t understand anything and the German and Austrian customers are a bit baffled with this man who’s wearing Lederhosen speaking with an Australian accent saying ‘Ich sprechen kein Deutsch!’ The Austrians also have a habit of keeping you in the dark and then wonder why you are standing around with a confused look on your face! He says he gets through by laughing to himself, shaking his head, and asking the question ‘what the f am I doing?’ which keeps him going through the day!
In town |
Looking forward to Christmas. We have friends coming to stay with us which will be nice. Not sure if the tree is going to make it though. It’s looking a bit ‘over it’! We’re constantly sweeping up the needles from the floor. And we’re a bit over being laughed at too, for putting our tree up at the beginning of December. It’s tradition here to put it up and decorate it on the 24th. At least that way it won’t die before Christmas day!
It looks magical here at the moment. Just like a postcard. And the sun will be coming out on Christmas Day!
“Frohe Weihnachts und ein gutes neue jahr” to all!